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Human beings are like river. Pure at the source of the river and dirty on the delta (mouth).
Sabahudin Hadžialić
Human beings are like river. Pure at the source of the river and dirty on the delta (mouth).
Sabahudin Hadžialić
POEZIA, magazin za poeziju i kulturu, Iasi, Rumunija
Godina XVII, broj 3 (61), Jesen 2012.g.
„Pot fi un scriitor al naţiunilor, nu un scriitor naţional” –
"Engaged artist is not the national artist. He is the artist of the nations." -
Author of the interview: Marius Chelaru
![]() From left to right: writers and poets - Marius Chelaru (Romania), Samira Begman (Switzerland), Diti Ronen (Israel), Craig Czury (USA) and Sabahudin Hadzialic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in front of the house of birth of Nobel prize winner for literature back in 1961 Ivo Andric in Travnik (Bosnia and Herzegovina)...spring 2012
To make long story short, I had very happy childhood, creating the first steps for the game of life. Currently, I have just finished a first part of my novel trilogy in which there is a part of autobiography within the section of XXI century (other part of the novel is in XI century) in which my main character remembers his childhood through the words:”Happiness is not a way of living during the childhood. It is raison d’etre of the childhood.” Simple, but the truth. On other hand, to talk “natal lands, your family, people from that times, as school etc …” would be too much, although I would like to underline that, again, in simpler way, that we were better people: my land, my family, people from that times, the schools. Now? Everybody, focused on survival (including me, of course), forgets the beauty of living, and it is, again, with the family and the land and the people and the school of life. Have we been better people, of just we will always have “good old times” regardless in which time we are living? Why is that? Because, as the time is passing by, it is getting worst and worst for the human civilization in general. So, every new time will say for the past ones: good old times. Isn’t it?
But, if you think about B and H as (B)osniaks (Muslims) and (C)roats (Catholics) than you should add S as (S)erbs as well because, three main nations are living here, within Bosnia and Herzegovina (Entities Republic of Srpska and Federation of BiH). Answer for the above mentioned issue is within my thought/aphorism: “We are three tribes of the same people, but the problem is…WHICH ONE?” Also, it is great inspiration for writing as well. To understand each other and to interact culturally as much as possible to be able to avoid implosion of closed groups which will happen if we do not interact with “others”. Again, another quotation of mine: “Nation is historical category. We just need to wait for the end of history.”
Being Chairman of BH Journalist Union back in 1998, I have said that today you can become a journalist having two witnesses for that. Yes, we have inflation of journalists and deflation of knowledge. Only few magazines and journalists can call themselves the ones. Other serves the tajcoons and chauvinists. Why, because human being is hypocrite within its soul. Me? I just do no like democracy. Why? Because instead one idiot, I serve millions of idiots. It is shame that I am the only living writer within the area of former Yugoslavia who is the member of Bosnia and Herzegovina Association of Writers (Sarajevo, BiH), Croatian writers association Herzeg Bosnia (Mostar, BiH), Association of writers Serbia (Belgrad, Serbia), Association of writers of Montenegro (Podgorica, Montenegro). Why? To show that I can be a writer of the nations and not a national writer. The future? Only through the knowledge. But the knowledge with the facts and not knowledge base on myths.
So, here it is: DIOGEN pro culture magazine: http://diogen.weebly.com MaxMinus magazine: http://sabihadzi.weebly.com About first private newspaper in Bosnia and Herzegovina back in 1990 I can just say that it has happened few months prior to the war and we knew we were doing good job. Why? Because, all three chauvinistic sides were attacking us. How? One number (issue) we were (newspaper name was POTEZ – in English: THE MOVE) attacked that we are Pro-Muslim, another issue Pro-Croat and another Pro-Serb. Again- Why? We were telling the truth which was sometimes supporting mentioned stands, but as soon as we talking against the stands which does not suit any of sides, we were enemies of the people. We were just enemies of the thieves. Last 20 years of “democracy” just proved that we were right. Also, there is another question: Who is worse than a communists? Answer is: The former communists. Sabahudin Hadžialić have never been either communist and/or chauvinist. He just tried to be simple human being. I can talk for hours about my TV and Radio experience, but I would like kindly to ask you to visit: http://sabihadzi.weebly.com and you will find what Sabi was saying back in 1987 and 25 years later (on video, unitl 2012.). Do not trust me. Just check it out, please.
On the moment when we finish writings, regardless is it poetry and/or prose, that does not belong to us anymore. It belongs to the readers. I think you should ask them. Me? I am just a small insect of civilization of lost hearts.
Yes, I like to creat opportunities for others. What is in there for me? Nothing, but just a feeling that „good does good”. Not everybody can be supported by my side. Only real writers and real poets and real human beings: Three in one. For the civilisation of good.
And, of course, trying to be better human being, on the first place. Above all. Sarajevo, 27.6.2012. Bosnia and Herzegovina Sabahudin Hadžialić ![]()
COMPLETE ISSUE OF 250 pages of the magazine POEZIA

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