HAIKU poezija
Tatjana Debeljački
HAIKU poezija
Tatjana Debeljački
U potrazi za smislom
Tatjana Debeljački neprestano odmrzava vlastito biće i unutar topline izražaja pokušava pronaći sopstvenu opstojnost. Njene poetike, lirskog usmjerenja, itekako reflektuje sopstveni imidž putopisca.
Zbog čega „Putopisca“?
Jer njena usmjerena potraga nije ništa drugo do neprestano putovanje neistraženim vremensko-prostornim pojavnostima ne samo vlastitog bića, već interaktivno uspijevajući, pretočenim, zajedničkim potragama za smislom. Življenja u srazu sa prirodom, okruženjem, društvom koje civilizacijski nestaje da bi se ponovo rodilo u njenim pitkim privilegijama uobličenog putopisca misli.
Postajući dijelom njene poetike, postajete poetikom samom jer osjećaj interakcije ne prestaje ni sa prestankom čitanja. Jednostavno, usisani ste u kreaciju prirodnog okruženja umjetnika koji ne prestaje stvarati novo okruženje, nove krugove koji se šire nastali zbog novih kamenčića koji su bačeni na maestral vidljive vode – života. Taj neprestani pojavni oblik širenja i nije ništa drugo do riječi koje vlastitim koloritom izražaja čine nas, čitatelje, dijelom proaktivnih oblika svijesti autorice.
Njena potraga za smislom je kao topli dlan koji podiže dva zatvorena smrznuta kapka...Otvarajući neslućene mogućnosti vizije nedosanjanih mogućnosti izričaja.
Složenost očekivanih mogućnosti kod Tatjane Debeljački nije ništa drugo do stabilnost snažnih pretpostavki prostora koji to nije sa vremenom koje to jeste, i vice versa, a sve zbog naizgled naivnog predstavljanja viđenog. Upravo kod nje naivnosti više nema jer svako stih, svaka riječ ima smisao. U njoj samoj. Pronalazeći sebe u autoru i autora u sebi. I tada, nama, čitaocima, sve postaje lakše. Vidljivije. Zrelije. Smisleno.
Doc. dr. Sabahudin Hadžialić
Bosna i Hercegovina
Within the search for the meaning
Tatjana Debeljački constantly defrosts own being and inside of the heat the expression is trying to find her own survival. Her poetry, with lyrical orientation, very much reflects her own image of travel writer.
Why "travel writer"?
Because her focused pursuit is nothing but a continuous journey through unexplored time-space appearances of not just of her own being, but interactively managing, decanted, with common quests for the meaning. Of the life in the clash with nature, environment, society that in civilized way disappears to be born again in its potable privileges of shaped travel writer thoughts.
By becoming a part of her poetry, you are becoming poetics itself because the feeling of interaction does not cease even with the cessation of reading. Simply, you have been sucked into the creation of the natural environment of artist who do not stop to create a new environment, new circles that spreads around caused by new little stones that were thrown on the breeze visible water – life itself. This constant manifestation of the expansion is nothing more than words which with its own colors expression make us, the readers, part of proactive forms of consciousness of the author.
Her quest for meaning is as warm palm which raises two closed frozen eyelids ... Opening unsuspected opportunities of the vision of not dreamed possibilities of expression.
The complexity of the expected possibilities within Tatjana Debeljački is nothing but the stability of strong assumptions of the space that it is not with the time that it is, and vice versa, and all because of just a seemingly naive representation of the seen. Exactly within her naivety is gone because every verse, every word has a meaning. Within herself. Finding herself in the author and the author within herself. And then, for us, the readers, everything becomes easier. Visible. More mature. Meaningful.
Assoc. Prof. Dr Sabahudin Hadžialić
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tatjana Debeljački neprestano odmrzava vlastito biće i unutar topline izražaja pokušava pronaći sopstvenu opstojnost. Njene poetike, lirskog usmjerenja, itekako reflektuje sopstveni imidž putopisca.
Zbog čega „Putopisca“?
Jer njena usmjerena potraga nije ništa drugo do neprestano putovanje neistraženim vremensko-prostornim pojavnostima ne samo vlastitog bića, već interaktivno uspijevajući, pretočenim, zajedničkim potragama za smislom. Življenja u srazu sa prirodom, okruženjem, društvom koje civilizacijski nestaje da bi se ponovo rodilo u njenim pitkim privilegijama uobličenog putopisca misli.
Postajući dijelom njene poetike, postajete poetikom samom jer osjećaj interakcije ne prestaje ni sa prestankom čitanja. Jednostavno, usisani ste u kreaciju prirodnog okruženja umjetnika koji ne prestaje stvarati novo okruženje, nove krugove koji se šire nastali zbog novih kamenčića koji su bačeni na maestral vidljive vode – života. Taj neprestani pojavni oblik širenja i nije ništa drugo do riječi koje vlastitim koloritom izražaja čine nas, čitatelje, dijelom proaktivnih oblika svijesti autorice.
Njena potraga za smislom je kao topli dlan koji podiže dva zatvorena smrznuta kapka...Otvarajući neslućene mogućnosti vizije nedosanjanih mogućnosti izričaja.
Složenost očekivanih mogućnosti kod Tatjane Debeljački nije ništa drugo do stabilnost snažnih pretpostavki prostora koji to nije sa vremenom koje to jeste, i vice versa, a sve zbog naizgled naivnog predstavljanja viđenog. Upravo kod nje naivnosti više nema jer svako stih, svaka riječ ima smisao. U njoj samoj. Pronalazeći sebe u autoru i autora u sebi. I tada, nama, čitaocima, sve postaje lakše. Vidljivije. Zrelije. Smisleno.
Doc. dr. Sabahudin Hadžialić
Bosna i Hercegovina
Within the search for the meaning
Tatjana Debeljački constantly defrosts own being and inside of the heat the expression is trying to find her own survival. Her poetry, with lyrical orientation, very much reflects her own image of travel writer.
Why "travel writer"?
Because her focused pursuit is nothing but a continuous journey through unexplored time-space appearances of not just of her own being, but interactively managing, decanted, with common quests for the meaning. Of the life in the clash with nature, environment, society that in civilized way disappears to be born again in its potable privileges of shaped travel writer thoughts.
By becoming a part of her poetry, you are becoming poetics itself because the feeling of interaction does not cease even with the cessation of reading. Simply, you have been sucked into the creation of the natural environment of artist who do not stop to create a new environment, new circles that spreads around caused by new little stones that were thrown on the breeze visible water – life itself. This constant manifestation of the expansion is nothing more than words which with its own colors expression make us, the readers, part of proactive forms of consciousness of the author.
Her quest for meaning is as warm palm which raises two closed frozen eyelids ... Opening unsuspected opportunities of the vision of not dreamed possibilities of expression.
The complexity of the expected possibilities within Tatjana Debeljački is nothing but the stability of strong assumptions of the space that it is not with the time that it is, and vice versa, and all because of just a seemingly naive representation of the seen. Exactly within her naivety is gone because every verse, every word has a meaning. Within herself. Finding herself in the author and the author within herself. And then, for us, the readers, everything becomes easier. Visible. More mature. Meaningful.
Assoc. Prof. Dr Sabahudin Hadžialić
Bosnia and Herzegovina

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File Size: | 17 kb |
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recenzija_tatjana_debeljacki_2017_sabahudin_hadzialic.pdf | |
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Sabahudin Hadžialić, Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo (i/ili Dr. Wagnera 18, 70230, Bugojno), Bosna i Hercegovina. Kontakt +387 61 196 707 i/ili [email protected]
Istaknuti samostalni umjetnik Rješenjem (Broj: 12-40-12388/13)
Ministra kulture i sporta Kantona Sarajevo od 1.1.2013. |
Prominent self sustained artist through Decision (No: 12-40-12388/13)
by the Minister of culture and sport of Canton Sarajevo since 1.1.2013. |