International Scientific Conference "Visualisation: Creative communication in the emerging constellations"
organised within 4(four) different classrooms
Faculty of Creative Industries
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU)
Vilnius, Lithuania
The joint paper
"Visualisation and education:
Social media and violence"
Assoc. Prof. Dr. & Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić and Dr. hab. Dorota Siemieniecka, prof.
from the
Faculty of Educational Sciences
University Nicolaus Copernicus, Torun, Poland

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Joint paper
"Visualisation and education:
Social media and violonce"

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"Visualisation and education: Social media and violonce"
A numerous number of Study researches around the Globe shows, since the 1970s that television violence can affect children and encourage the development of aggressive behaviors and attitudes. Recently, since the beginning of XXI century, social media – being visual on everything today, increased the violence which affect children again. Although, not just children - personal violence is there as well - stalkers and their victims and violence connected with sex (gender) having in mind that in this case the most victims are woman. Does the social and political environment made it possible? Does the lack of media literacy made it possible? Does a need for acceptance within the certain group made it possible? In this paper we will show that every third child has been under the some kind of violence online in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results of the reasearch are devastating for the future of joint living in the country including major ignorance of „other and different“ ones, regarddless if they are Bosniaks (Muslims), Croats and/or Serbs. Lack of education and/or communication through mutual understanding, respect and knowledge exists above all. Ignorance: about manipulation made by politicians and religious leaders; connected with gradual strategy and strategy of differing, preparing them for the „inevitable“ in the future of his/her social and political life; about what „mediocrity“ means through glorifying exactly mediocrity as the corner stone of their future life; about the fact that only interaction with other cultures will improve his/her own culture and being closed within my own cacoon will only get me back in centuries; that the game of „self-blame“ will strengthen only the power of manipulation than the power of self developed consciounce.
Key Words: Visuality, Hatred, Society, Children, Violence, Ignorance, Social media, Ethnicity, Media illiteracy
"Visualisation and education: Social media and violonce"
A numerous number of Study researches around the Globe shows, since the 1970s that television violence can affect children and encourage the development of aggressive behaviors and attitudes. Recently, since the beginning of XXI century, social media – being visual on everything today, increased the violence which affect children again. Although, not just children - personal violence is there as well - stalkers and their victims and violence connected with sex (gender) having in mind that in this case the most victims are woman. Does the social and political environment made it possible? Does the lack of media literacy made it possible? Does a need for acceptance within the certain group made it possible? In this paper we will show that every third child has been under the some kind of violence online in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results of the reasearch are devastating for the future of joint living in the country including major ignorance of „other and different“ ones, regarddless if they are Bosniaks (Muslims), Croats and/or Serbs. Lack of education and/or communication through mutual understanding, respect and knowledge exists above all. Ignorance: about manipulation made by politicians and religious leaders; connected with gradual strategy and strategy of differing, preparing them for the „inevitable“ in the future of his/her social and political life; about what „mediocrity“ means through glorifying exactly mediocrity as the corner stone of their future life; about the fact that only interaction with other cultures will improve his/her own culture and being closed within my own cacoon will only get me back in centuries; that the game of „self-blame“ will strengthen only the power of manipulation than the power of self developed consciounce.
Key Words: Visuality, Hatred, Society, Children, Violence, Ignorance, Social media, Ethnicity, Media illiteracy
Meeting on 19.3.2019 in Vilnius, Lithuania (thanks to my colleague and friend Prof. Dr.Remigijus Venckus) in the offie of a Dean - with a Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries within the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Živile Sederevičiute and Vice-dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vytus Valatka in the Dean's office.
Succesful and inspirational meeting for the openning of the new opportunities for both sides.
During the meeting was invited to submit a paper for the mentioned Conference, so...
For more info click...here...

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. & Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić,
Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo (i/ili Dr. Wagnera 18, 70230, Bugojno),
Bosna i Hercegovina. Kontakt +387 61 196 707 i/ili [email protected]
Istaknuti samostalni umjetnik Rješenjem (Broj: 12-40-14384/16)
Ministra kulture i sporta Kantona Sarajevo od 19.2.2016. Istaknuti samostalni umjetnik od 1.1.2009 također odlukom nadležnog Ministarstva |
Prominent self sustained artist through Decision (No: 12-40-14384/16)
by the Minister of culture and sport of Canton Sarajevo since 19.2.2016. Prominentn self sustained artist as of 1.1.2009 also by the decision of authorized Ministry |

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